“Early and better diagnoses clearly improve quality of life for both patient and caregiver, ”
- A wide-ranging initiative to assist leading experts in the field conduct research and develop protocols to educate physicians, clinicians, the general public, patients and caregivers. Our outcomes have immediate, present-day and practical application to current care and do not fund long-term disease research.
- We seek out opportunities to enhance patient early diagnosis and further ensure ongoing quality of care for patients and families struggling with Lewy Body Dementia and other rare dementias where earlier diagnosis and appropriate care will improves the quality of life for both patients and families.
- An ongoing partnership with the University of Florida Foundation has helped further the research of Dr Melissa Armstrong, one of the leaders in the field. First conceived in 2017, we are excited to see significant advancement in the area of early diagnosis protocols and patient and caregiver support and are proud to continue to be a catalyst for these outcomes.